

競賽規則 Competing Policy

進行論文發表者須於投稿截止日(5/27)前完成線上投稿 (論文摘要請以英文撰寫),並於報名截止日(5/27)前完成線上報名及繳費程序。

The submission should be completed by May 27 and the competitors should completed their registration and payment by May 27.
The order of oral presentation and the poster number will be informed by email after the review process been completed.

論文競賽 Competition Type

1. 年輕學者口頭論文競賽
2. 學生口頭論文競賽
3. 海報論文競賽 (可參加海報論文口頭展示)


Presentation Competitions will be divided into the following groups:
1. Young Scholar Oral Competition
2. Student Oral Competition
3. Poster Competition (with Poster Oral Briefing)

In addition to the competitions, we will also include the Poster Oral Briefing event that we welcome the poster presenters to join this event to briefly introduce theirs work in the conference room during the lunch session to increase the exposure of their studies.

參賽資格 Eligibility

1. 年輕學者口頭論文競賽:
年輕學者口頭論文競賽主要針對具博士學位且年齡於35歲以下之年輕學者(於口頭論文發表當年度12月31日截止計算,未滿36歲),如教師、研究員及博士後,大會也開放有興趣越級挑戰的研究生參加 (但不可同時報名學生口頭論文競賽) !!

2. 學生口頭論文競賽:

3. 海報論文競賽:

1. Young Scholar Oral Competition
Young Scholar Oral Competition is mainly for young scholars (under age of 36 by Dec 31, 2024) holding a Ph.D. degree including professors, research fellows, and postdoctoral fellows. We also welcome graduated students to join but they could not apply the Student Oral Competition at the same time.

2. Student Oral Competition
For Student Oral Competition, the applicants should hold the student status in 2024.

3. Poster Competition
We welcome all attendees to join the Poster Competition.

口頭論文發表規則 Oral Competition Presentation

請於報到時將投影片(以Power Point製作並存放於USB隨身碟)交付現場服務人員存放於電腦中,並試播是否正常顯示(建議您於雲端進行備份,以防現場USB隨身碟發生存取異常時可下載替換)。


To keep the tight schedule on track, please provide your slide (in Power Point format in USB) when you register in the morning. Please also check if the slide works well in the laptop provided which will be used in the Oral Competition Presentation Session. We highly recommend that you could have a backup copy in cloud storage that you could have a quick download replacement if the USB does not work properly.

► 年輕學者口頭論文競賽  Young Scholar Oral Competition

• 發表人請於session開始前10分鐘到達。
• 每位口頭報告時間為10分鐘(含報告7分鐘與提問時間2分鐘,並預留1分鐘換場),以英文報告。
• 報告7分鐘內,將會在第6與第7分鐘時,各響鈴提示一次;提問時間於第9分鐘響鈴結束討論。

• Please arrive 10 mins before your session begins.
• The presentation should be in English. Each presentation is allocated 10 mins, including 7 mins for presenting, 2 mins for Q&A, and 1 min for speaker transition.
• The staff will ring a bell to let you know the remaining time. (The 1st bell: 1 mins left; the 2nd bell: presentation ended; the Q&A will be terminated at the 9th min bell)

► 學生口頭論文競賽 I-III  Student Oral Competition I-III

• 發表人請於session開始前10分鐘到達。
• 每位口頭報告時間為8分鐘(含報告5分鐘與提問時間2分鐘,並預留1分鐘換場),以英文報告。
• 報告5分鐘內,將會在第4與第5分鐘時,各響鈴提示一次;提問時間於第7分鐘響鈴結束討論。

• Please arrive 10 mins before your session begins.
• The presentation should be in English. Each presentation is allocated 8 mins, including 5 mins for presenting, 2 mins for Q&A, and 1 min for speaker transition.
• The staff will ring a bell to let you know the remaining time. (The 1st bell: 1 mins left; the 2nd bell: presentation ended; the Q&A will be terminated at the 7th min bell)

海報論文發表規則 Poster Competition Presentation

► 海報論文展示  Poster Exhibition

• 海報規格80cm x 120cm (寬x長,直式)。會議當日6/28報到後,請找到自己的海報編號板進行張貼,海報張貼最晚需於13:00前完成
• The maximum poster dimensions are 80 cm wide x 120 cm long. Please set up your poster according to your Poster No by 13:00 on Jun 28

► 海報論文競賽 I-IV  Poster Competition I-IV

• 海報論文競賽時段為6/28 15:45-16:45,發表人請於海報前就定位,以英文報告。
• The Poster Competition Presentation will be held at 15:45-16:45 on Jun 28. Please get ready by the time. The presentation should be in English.

海報論文口頭展示 I-III  Poster Oral Briefing I-III

• 海報論文口頭展示時段為6/28 13:10-14:25,發表人請於session開始前5分鐘到達。
• 每位口頭發表時間為3分鐘(含報告2分鐘,無提問,並預留1分鐘換場),以英文報告。將會在第2分鐘時,響鈴提示一次結束發表。
• 為維持發表流暢,請於5/22 中午前 上傳一頁簡報PPT檔,大會將依報告順序將您的簡報存入會議電腦
• The Poster Oral Briefing will be held at 13:10-14:25 on Jun 28. Please arrive 10 mins before your session begins.
• The Oral Briefing should be in English. Each Oral Briefing is allocated 3 mins, including 2 mins for presenting (No Q&A) and 1 min for speaker transition. The staff will ring a bell at the 2nd min to end the presentation.
• To keep the briefing going smoothly, please  upload one page oral briefing PPT by noon May 22, we will place the file in order.

  click here

  click here


1 投稿申請書 Submission Form

2 投稿摘要範本 Abstract Template

3 一頁簡報範本 One Page Oral Briefing PPT Template