

  NEWS  2024/04/24

2024年度 獎項申請 將延長收件至 5/1(三) !
各獎項「傑出研究獎、傑出技術獎、牟昀優秀年輕學者獎」相關訊息請參見 Award Application

The Award Application has been extended to May 1.
The application for Outstanding Research Award, Outstanding Technology Award, and “Dr. Yun MOU” Outstanding Young Scholar Award is still opening.
Please find the detail rules and application forms in the Award Application .

  NEWS  2024/04/09

由於4月3日會議地點花蓮發生強震,在籌備委員們審慎的考量後決議將會議地點從花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店改至 台南遠東香格里拉國際大飯店 。不過明年度2025的會議將再回到花蓮遠雄悅來大飯店舉行,一起支持花蓮 !

原訂 會議日期及議程維持原樣 無異動。

感謝您對本學會的支持與鼓勵,謝謝您 !!

Due to the violent earthquake last week, there are some safety concerns raised. After serious discussions, the committees decided to change the Venue from the Farglory Hotel, Hualien to the Shangri-La Far Eastern, Tainan (also a five-star hotel). To show our support for Hualien, we have decided to hold the 2025 International Conference of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society back to Farglory Hotel, Hualien next year.

The schedule of the conference this year will be kept totally the same.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.
Much appreciated.

  NEWS  2024/02/20